Scheduled Church Services:

Ukrainian Service - Sunday @ 9am
English Service - Sunday @ 11:30am
Evening Service - Sunday @ 6pm

Evening Service - Wednesday @ 7pm
Youth Service - Thursday @ 8pm
Prayer Service - Friday @ 7pm & 10pm

Розклад Церковних Служінні:

Українське Служіння - Неділя о 9:00
Англійське Служіння - Неділя о 11:30
Вечірне Служіння - Неділя о 18:00

Вечірне Служіння – Середа о 19:00
Молодіжне Служіння - Четвер о 20:00
Молитовне Служіння - П’ятниця о 19:00 та 22:00

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About Us

The Church of Grace is a meeting place of Christian believers located in Renton, Washington. We are a large congregation mostly consisting of Slavic immigrants with equal values, beliefs, and morals. As a church, our main goal is to fulfill the word of God and this goal is met and pursued through spiritual growth, obedience to God's will, raising up and equipping the next generations, glorifying God's name, preaching the truth of the gospel locally and globally, and working to expand the kingdom of God here on Earth. Before ascending into heaven, the Lord left all His children this command:

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20)

Based on this command, we as a church strive to glorify God by serving people and preaching the Gospel of Salvation in and through every single aspect of our ministry. We offer many different branches of ministry where men and women of all ages are called and encouraged to participate in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

live stream

We live stream every Sunday and Wendesday service.
Previous services and clips are available on our YouTube Channel.